Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a great day to be an American

I was up late watching the election results on CNN and was loving the acceptance speech that Obama made in Chicago.  I remember when I first heard him and his wife Michelle on Oprah XM a few years ago before he put his hat in the ring for President.  I admired him from day one and he inspired me.  Shortly after that he decided to run for President and held a rally on the shores of Lady Bird Lake here in Austin.  People of all ages, races, backgrounds were excited to go see him and hear what he had to say at this rally.  I am now very optimistic to our future and my childrens future.  My oldest kept texting me last night as she so happy of the results of the election.  She is getting ready to go into the Air Force in January.  Now I need to get away from the tv and computer and wake up Ryan and Kendra for school and give them the great news.

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